Soutenir le développement local dans le cadre de la politique de cohésion : Bonnes pratiques et options politiques futures - Références - Rapport Final - Adetef - Avril 2010

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Soutenir le développement local dans le cadre de la politique de cohésion : Bonnes pratiques et options politiques futures - Références - Rapport Final - Adetef - Avril 2010


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ADETEF - CCI n.2009.CE.16.0.AT.081 RAPPORT FINAL Avril 2010

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A voir aussi Le développement local en Europe - Bilan et perspectives après la crise - Par Marjorie Jouen - Les Brefs N°21 Janvier 2011

Ci-dessous cliquez sur les onglets pour accéder aux références des deux annexes de l’étude.
ANNEX 1 Historical review of major initiatives to support local development

ANNEX 1 Historical review of major initiatives to support local development


      • ACORD International SA, Evaluation intermédiaire du PIC EQUAL entre 2000 et 2002 Luxembourg (2003)
      • Amin A, « Le soutien au local au Royaume-Uni : entre recul politique et engagement solidaire » in L’innovation sociale - émergence et effets sur la transformation des sociétés, Klein JL et Harrisson D, Presses de l’université du Québec (2007)
      • Bachtler J, Future of the cohesion policy and integrated local development, Conference Report Prague (2009)
      • Barca F, An agenda for a reformed cohesion policy : a placed-based approach to meeting EU challenges and expectations, study for EC (2009)
      • CRIDEL Coordination, Valeur ajoutée et ingénierie du développement local, EC Studies on regional development, (1994)
      • Dargan L and Schucksmith M, Innovatory economic development – comparative report, Salzburg Conference (Nov 2003)
      • DREE - Dossier, Elargissement de l’Union européenne : un nouveau marché, Ministère de l’économie, des finances et de l’industrie, Paris (2004)
      • EAUE, Job creation in the environmental sector – Local employment initiatives in Europe, study for the EC (1997)
      • ECOTEC, The new Member States and local employment development : taking stock and planning for the future, study for EC (Nov 2006) Official Journal n. C 161 21.06.1984
      • EC, Growth, competitiveness and employment – Challenges and tracks to enter in the 21st century, White paper of the EC, OPOCE suppl. 6/93 (1993)
      • EC, Inventory of EU actions in favour of local development and employment SEC 94-2199, (19 December 1994)
      • EC The local development and employment initiatives : an investigation in the European Union. Working Paper of the services, OPOCE, CM 89 95 082 EN (1995)
      • EC, A European strategy of support for local development and employment initiatives, Communication COM (95)273 (June 1995)
      • EC, ESF and the new sources of jobs, conference report, EC conference in Rome (1996)
      • EC, Community Structural assistance and employment, Communication COM (96)109, (1996)
      • EC, Lessons for the territorial and local employment pacts, First Report on local development and employment initiatives, Working paper of the services, OPOCE, CE 07 97 272 EN (1996).
      • EC, The new regional programmes 1997-1999 under Objective 2 of the Community’s structural policies –focusing on jobs, Communication COM (97) 524 (1997)
      • EC, Agenda 2000 ; pour une Union plus forte et plus large, Communication COM(97)2000 vol 1 (1997)
      • EC, Actions innovatrices de l’article 10 du FEDER – nouveaux gisements d’emploi DG REGIO publication (1997)
      • EC, Actions-pilotes en faveur des chômeurs de longue durée de plus de 40 ans – ligne B2-605 du budget général 1995, Rapport final DG REGIO (1998)
      • EC, The era of tailor-made jobs, Second Report on local development and employment initiatives, Working paper of the services, OPOCE, CE 09 97 220 EN (1998).
      • EC, Pactes territoriaux pour l’emploi – 89 pactes locaux relèvent le défi du chômage (Oct. 1999)
      • EC, Répertoire des projets Nouveaux gisements d’emploi de l’article 6 FSE 96/97 DG EMPL publication (1999)
      • EC, Les Actions structurelles 2000-2006, commentaires et règlements, EC publications (1999)
      • EC, Agir au niveau local pour l’emploi – donner une dimension locale à la stratégie européenne pour l’emploi COM (2000)196 (Avril 2000)
      • EC, Recherche-action ‘Développement local et emploi’ – évaluation des projets sélectionnés, EC publication (2000)
      • EC, Implementing Innovative Actions in the framework of ESF article 6 (2000-2006), Communication COM (2000) 894 (2001)
      • EC, Renforcer la dimension locale d la stratégie européenne pour l’emploi Communication COM (2001) 629 (Nov 2001)
      • EC, Pilot-Action ‘Third system and employment’, Seminar Report, EC publications (1998) ; List of the projects,
      • EC publications (1999) ; synthesis of the action,
      • EC publications (2002) EC, Partnership with the Cities – The URBAN Community Initiative (2003)
      • EC, Lisbon Action Plan, SEC(2005) 192, Créer la croissance et l’emploi : un nouveau cycle de coordination intégrée de l’emploi et de l’économie, SEC(2005) 193 (2005)
      • EC Fourth and final EU-wide evaluation report of the EQUAL Community Initiative from 2001 to 2006, (2006)
      • EC, ‘The impact of the cohesion policy’ in Growing regions, growing Europe : Fourth report on economic and social cohesion (2007)
      • EC, Renforcer la dimension urbaine, analyse des programmes opérationnels cofinancés par le FEDER pour la période 2007-2013, Document de travail (Nov. 2008)
      • EC, A shared commitment to employment, Communication COM (2009)257 (June 2009) European Court of auditors, Special Report on local actions for employment, n. 4/2002 (2002) – EC, Answers to the Special Report, n. 13173/02 FIN 403 SOC 442 (Sept 2002) – EU Council, Draft conclusions n. 6611/03 (Feb 2003)
      • EU Council, Conclusions of the Presidency (23-24 March 2006)
      • EU Council, Regulation on the ESF (CE) 1081/2006, (5 July 2006)
      • EU Council, General Regulation on the ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund, (CE) 1083/2006, (11 July 2006)
      • GHK, Ex-post evaluation of the URBAN I Programme, study for EC (2003)
      • Henriques JM, Mainstreaming EQUAL products, Guide-Book EC publications (2007)
      • Jacquier Cl, Voyage dans dix quartiers européens en crise, L’Harmattan Paris (1991)
      • Jouen M, The EU action in favour of local employment initiatives, Notre Europe (2000)
      • Jouen M, ‘La stratégie européenne pour l’emploi local’ in Dehousse R L’Europe sans Bruxelles, une analyse de la méthode ouverte de coordination, Paris, L’Harmattan (2004)
      • Jouen M, ‘Endogenous local development versus foreign direct investment strategies : are there alternative regional strategies in EU 27 ?’ in Tönshoff S and Weida A, Where top-down, where bottom-up ?, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main (2008)
      • Jouen M, Social experimentation in Europe, Towards a more complete and effective range of the EU actions for social innovation, Notre Europe, (Nov 2008)
      • Jouen M, ‘Le rôle et la place des facteurs endogènes dans le développement des territoires’ in Godet M et al. Économie et nouvelles formes d’innovation dans les territoires Documentation française Paris (forthcoming 2010)
      • Klein JL and Harrisson D L’innovation sociale – émergence et effets sur la transformation des sociétés (PUQ, Québec, 2007)
      • Kolosy K, Rural governance and the European LEADER initiative , Ph D thesis, Aberdeen University department of geography (2004)
      • Lepri St and centro studi CGM, Impreditori sociali, secondo rapporto sulla cooperazione sociale in Italia, Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli (1997)
      • Levai M, Haulica M and Chengelova E (Conference Papers on Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria) in Flexicurity : key instrument for Local Employment Development Conference 3 October 2008 in Sofia
      • Pylkkänen P, ‘Lessons learnt and future challenges of the LEADER method – a case from Finland’ in The rural citizen : governance, culture and wellbeing in the 21st century, Plymouth (2006)
      • Sabel Ch, Ireland, Local partnership for better governance, OECD (1996)
      • Lloyd P, LED : harnessing the creativity of the local, conference presentation, DG EMPL Conference in Brussels (25 April 2008)
      • LRDP, Lessons from the LEDA Programme, London (1995)
      • LRDP, Evaluation of the Local social capital Pilot Project (1st year), study for EC (2000)
      • MacPhail E, ‘Sub-national authorities and the OMC : new opportunity or the same old community ?’ in JCER vol.2 issue 1 (2007)
      • METIS The European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation, State of play and prospects, CoR study series (2009)
      • Ministère des affaires sociales, du travail et de la solidarité, Evaluation du PIC EQUAL en France 2001-2003 (2003)
      • Moulaert F et al. Towards alternative models of local innovation in Urban Studies vol. 42, n.11 (2005)
      • OECD, The new rural paradigm : policies and governance, OECD publications (2006)
      • OECD Making local strategies work – building the evidence base, OECD publication (2008)
      • Per Kongshøj Madsen ‘The Danish model and flexicurity’ in Flexicurity, European Employment Observatory Review (Autumn 2006)
      • ÖIR Managementdienste GmbH, Methods for and success of mainstreaming LEADER innovations and approach into rural development (2004)
      • Turok I, Area-based partnerships in Ireland : collaborative planning in practice ? EURA conference paper (May 2001)
      • UNADEL, Nouveaux services et emplois-jeunes, apport des territoires et contribution au développement local, Seminar report (1998)
      • Richard T, Coopération territoriale européenne : le défi des programmes transnationaux Etude comparative des espaces de coopération de la Mer Baltique et de la Méditerranée (Interreg IIIB et démarrage des programmes IVB) paper unpublished (Aug 2009)
      • Rodrigues MJ, ‘L’Europe, orpheline d’une stratégie de développement et d’innovation’ in Godet M et al.
      • Économie et nouvelles formes d’innovation dans les territoires Documentation française Paris (forthcoming 2010)
      • Saraceno E, ‘The evaluation of local policy making in Europe – learning from the LEADER Community Initiative’ in Evaluation 1999, vol 5 p439-457, Sage Publications (London) (1999)
      • Townsend P, Poverty in the UK, Penguin books (1979) quoted in Glennerster H et al. Poverty, social exclusion and neighbourhood : studying the area-bases of social exclusion, CASE Paper London (Nov 1999)
      • Van der Ploeg J, Rural mobilisation and the mobilisation of local actors, Conference Paper Salzburg Conference (Nov 2003)
      • Walsh J, ‘Theory and practice : recent experience in Ireland’ in Alden J and Boland Ph, Regional development strategies : A European perspective, RSA (1999)

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Main handbooks on local development

    • Becattini G (ed.) 1989, Modelli locali di sviluppo ; Il Mulino
    • Bingham R D. and Mier R (ed.) 1993 Theories of Local Economic Development, Sage Publisher. London
    • Blair JP 1995 Local Economic Development : Analysis and Practices, Sage Publisher. London
    • Blakely EJ 1989 Planning Local Economic Development Theory and Practices, Sage Library of Social Research,
    • Garofoli G 1991 Modelli locali di sviluppo Franco Angeli
    • Greffe X 2002 Le développement local DATAR, Editions de l’Aube
    • Strati F. 1999, Sviluppo regionale sostenibile. Un approccio integrato, Edizioni Regione Toscana
    • Teisserenc P 2002, Les politiques de développement local, Economica, Paris

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1 - Endogenous potential and self reliance

    • 1.1 Endogenous development
      • Becattini G., Bellandi M., Dei Ottati G., Sforzi M. (eds.) 2001, Il caleidoscopio dello sviluppo locale.
      • Trasformazioni economiche nell’Italia contemporanea, Rosenberg & Sellier
      • Bingham R and Mier R 1993, ‘Metaphors of Local Economic Development’ in Theories of Local Economic Development : Perspectives from Across the Disciplines. pp. 284-304. Sage Publisher CA. London
      • Brugger E 1986 ‘Endogenous Development : a concept between utopia and reality’ in Bassand (ed.) Self reliant Development in Europe, Gower, Aldershot
      • Capello R. 2004 Economia regionale. Localizzazione, crescita regionale e sviluppo locale, Il Mulino
      • Ciciotti E. - Rizzi P. 2005 Politiche per lo sviluppo territoriale, Carocci
      • Garofoli G and Latella F 1989, Endogenous development in Southern Europe. Avebury
      • Jouen M 2008 ‘Endogenous Local Development versus Foreign Direct Investment Strategies : are there alternative regional strategies in EU 27 ?’ in Tönshoff S and Weida A (eds) Where top-down, where bottom-up ? Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang
      • Konsolas N (ed.) 1990 Local development : Regional Science Studies In Southern Europe Regional Development Institute, Athens
      • Magnaghi A. 2000, Il progetto locale, Bollati Boringhieri
      • OECD 1992. ‘National support programmes to LEIs : content and evaluation’, LEI Notebook, April issue N.16,
      • OECD 2004 ‘Evaluating Local Economic and Employment Development : How to assess what works among programmes and policies’
      • OECD 2008 ‘Making Local Strategies Work : Building the Evidence base’ -*** Stöhr W 1986 ‘Changing External Conditions and a Paradigm shift in Regional Development’ in Bassand (ed.)
      • Self reliant Development in Europe, Gower, Aldershot
      • Sweeney G. (ed.) 1995, Regional and local development, Dublin Institute of Technology
      • Tykkylainen M (ed.) 1992 Development Issues and Strategies in Southern Europe, Avebury
    • 1.2 Community development
      • Calderini C. 2008 La comunità competente. Lo sviluppo locale come processo di apprendimento collettivo. Teorie ed esperienze, Ediesse
      • Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (UK branch) 1981 Whose business is business, and 1982 Community business Works
      • Chanan G. 1992 Out of Shadows, Local community action and the EC Dublin Foundation Community
      • Development Foundation/CDF (Research Department) 1999 Discovering Community action, London,
      • Conroy P. et al 1998.Partnership in Action, the role of community development in Ireland. The Community Workers Coop
      • Dale P. 2002 Community Involvement in Local Strategic Partnership, Urban Forum, CDF
      • Grant M. 1984 Alternative Legal Structures for Local Economic Development, companies, enterprises boards and trusts The Planning Exchange (covering the legal aspects)
      • OECD .2009 Community Capacity Building ; Creating a Better Future together ; LEED Programme
      • Skinner S..and Wilson M. 2002 Assessing Community Strengths, a practical handbook for planning capacity building. CDFT Soutenir le développement local dans le cadre de la politique de cohésion : 77 bonnes pratiques et options politiques futures (2009-2010) DG REGIO Ref : CCI n.2009.CE.16.0.AT.081
      • Warburton D. (ed.) 1998, Community and Sustainable Development, Earthscan
      • Welvetrees, A. (ed.) 1998 Community economic development : rhetoric or reality ?, Community development foundation publications, London
    • 1.3 Social capital
      • A.A.V.V. 2003 Capitale sociale e territorio. Risorse per l’azione locale , Franco Angeli
      • Andreotti A. 2009 Che cos’è il capitale sociale, Carocci
      • Bagnasco A. (et al) 2001 Il capitale social, Istruzioni per l’uso, Il Mulino
      • Ballet J et Guillon R 2003 Regards croisés sur le capital social L’Harmattan
      • Barreiro Cavestany, Fernando. El capital social : què es i com es mesura. Revista Síntesi no 6. Diputació de Barcelona, 2003.
      • Barreiro Cavestany, Fernando. Capital social y desarrollo territorial. Instituto de Análisis Económico y Social (Universidad de Alcalá), España, 2007.
      • Borghesi S. and Vercelli A. 2008, Global Sustainability. Social and Environmental Conditions, Palgrave MacMillan
      • CONSCISE 2001-2003 The contribution of Social Capital in the Social Economy to Local Development in Western Europe Research report Middlesex University
      • Dei Ottati G 1994 ‘Trust, interlinking transactions and credit in the industrial district’ in Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol.18
      • Di Nicola P., Sandro Stanzani S. and Tronca L. 2008, Reti di prossimità e capitale sociale in Italia, Franco Angeli
      • Donati P. and Tronca L. 2008 Il capitale sociale degli italiani. Le radici familiari, comunitarie e associative del civismo, Franco Angeli
      • Fannie Mae Foundation1998 Social capital : Its importance to housing and community development Housing Policy Debate review, vol 9
      • Garofalo G. and Sabatini F. (eds.) 2008 Homo Oeconomicus ? Dinamiche imprenditoriali in laboratorio, Il Mulino
      • KNACK, S. AND KEEFER, P., 1997 « Does social capital have an economic payoff ? a cross-country investigation », Quaterly Journal of Economics, v.112 n° 4
      • Loranca-Garcia Santiago (DG Employment) 2000 ‘Building Local social capital in the EU : partnership and Third system’ in Social capital : Global and Local perspectives, Government Institute for Economic Research, VATT publication, Helsinki
      • Morcellini M. and Mazza B. (eds.) 2008, Oltre l’individualismo. Comunicazione, nuovi diritti e capitale sociale,Franco Angeli
      • Pendenza M. 2008, Teorie del capitale sociale, Rubbettino
      • Ponthieux S. 2006 Le capital social, La Découverte, Paris
      • Putnam R (ed.) 2002 Democracies in flux (with cases from UK, FR, DE, ES and SE) Oxford University Press
      • Putnam R. 1992 Making Democracy work, Civic traditions in Modern Italy Princeton University press
      • Tronca L. 2007, L’analisi del capitale sociale, Cedam
      • On creativity and social innovation :
        • Anderson C. 2007 La longue traîne, Editions Village mondial
        • Castells M 2009 Communication power, Oxford University Press
        • Florida R 2002 The rise of the creative class, Basic books, New York
        • Klein JL. et Harrisson D 2007 L’innovation sociale - émergence et effets sur la transformation des sociétés, Presses de l’Université du Québec
        • Lai F. 2006 La creatività sociale. Una prospettiva antropologica sull’innovazione, Carocci
        • Vespasiano F. Martini E. 2009 Innovazione senza capitale sociale, Franco Angeli

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2 – Local employment

    • 2.1 Local employment initiatives
      • Arbeitersebsthife Krebsmuelhe 1984, Bonn
      • Arocena J. 1986 Le développement par l’initiative locale : le cas Français, L’harmattan Paris
      • Bonavita L. - Cannata F. - Catizone F. 2007 Territori occupazione e sviluppo locale, Pellegrini
      • Einsatz von Fachleuten zur Breatung u. Betreuung von Selbsthilfeproject (48 case studies) 1983 The Federal Ministry of Social Administration Wien
      • Gaudin J. 1982 Initiatives locales et création d’emploi Documentation française, Paris
      • Greffe X. 1988 Décentraliser l’emploi : les Initiatives locales de développement Ed. Economica, Paris
      • Humphreys, Eileen. 1996. LEDA Pilot Actions : Synthesis Report. Local and Regional Development Planning London
      • Kuenstler P. 1985, Local employment initiatives. A manual on intermediary and support organisations, Commission of the European Communities
      • OECD 1985 Creating Jobs at the local level. and a collection of LEIs Notebooks.
      • Stohr W (ed.) (year ?) Global challenge and Local Responses, Local initiatives for Economic Regeneration in Contemporary Europe, London
      • Strati F 1987 Politiche del Lavoro e iniziative locali per l’occupazione, Regione Toscana,Firenze
      • Verhoef Ria 1984 Atlas van Lokale Initiativen in Nederlands
    • 2.2 Local development and employment initiatives
      • A.A.V.V. 2005 Il lavoro sostenibile. Politiche del lavoro, territorio e sviluppo locale, Franco Angeli
      • Commission européenne, 1996. Nouvelles activités, nouveaux emplois, quelles stratégies de développement ?
      • Conférence d’Opio, OPOCE, Europe sociale supplément 1/96, CE NC 96 001 FR
      • Commission européenne, 1996 Politique de cohésion et culture, une contribution à l’emploi
      • Cachon, L, Collado J-C, Martinez I (Eds), 1998 Nuevos yacimientos de empleo en España - Potencial de crecimiento y desarrollo futuro, Informes y estudios Ministerio de trabajo y asuntos sociales
      • Cette G, Héritier P, Taddéi D, Théry M, Debonneuil M, Lahidji R., 1998 Emplois de proximité, rapport pour le Conseil d’analyse économique, Documentation française, Paris
      • Cette, G., 1998. « Evaluation macro-économique du potentiel offert par les services de proximité dans l’Union européenne », Local employment initiatives, Transfer ETUI
      • Defeyt, Ph. 1996, Le développement des services de proximité - balises pour un débat - Initiatives belges : première lecture des dynamiques de terrain, Fondation Roi Baudouin, Bruxelles
      • EC 1995 The local development and employment initiatives, an investigation in the European Union. Working Paper of the services, OPOCE, CM 89 95 082 EN
      • EC Lessons for the territorial and local employment pacts, First Report on local development and employment initiatives, Working paper of the services, OPOCE, CE 07 97 272 EN 1996.
      • EC The era of tailor-made jobs, Second Report on local development and employment initiatives, Working paper of the services, OPOCE, CE 09 97 220 EN 1998
      • ESF Art 6 96/97 Répertoire des projets « Nouveaux gisements d’emplois » Review, v. 4 n°3
      • Henriques, JM. 1996 Analysis of the contribution of local employment initiatives and small and medium- sized enterprises to employment, Lisboa.
      • Jimenez, E., Barreiro, F. y Sanchez, J-E. 1998 Los nuevos yacimientos de empleo - los retos de la creacion de empleo desde el territorio, Fundacio CIREM, Barcelona
      • Jouen M 2000 Diversité européenne, mode d’’emploi. Ed Descartes & Co, Paris
      • Jouen M 2000 L’action de l’UE en faveur des emplois d’initiative locale, Notre Europe, Paris
      • Monteiro A 2004 Associativismo e novos lacos sociais. chap. 6 : o caso das initiativas de desenvolvimento local em Portugal. ed quarteto ; Lisboa
    • 2.3 Local labour markets
      • Campbell M. and Duffy K (eds.) 1996 Local Labour markets. Problems and Polices Longman, London.
      • Lloyd Peter and Ramsden Peter 2000 Local Enterprising Localities : Area Based Employment Initiatives in the United Kingdom (Regional Development Studies series published by CEC)
      • OECD. 1998 Local Management for More Effective Employment Policy. Leed Programme
      • OECD 2002 The functional regions,
      • OECD 2006 Skills upgrading Leed Programme
      • Giguere S (ed) 2008, More Than Just Jobs Workforce development in a skills-based economy, Leed Programme, OECD
      • Giguere S and Froy F (eds) 2009 Flexible Policy for More and Better Jobs ; Leed Programme, OECD
      • Giguere S, Froy F and Hofer A (eds) 2009, Designing Local Skills Strategies , Leed Programme, OECD
    • 2.4 Employment pacts
      • CEC Structural Funds, 1999, The Employment Territorial Pacts (ETP) : examples of good practices 61 operational instruments, final evaluation report
      • Commission européenne, 1997, Pactes territoriaux pour l’emploi - exemples de bonnes pratiques OPOCE, CE 07 97 216 FR C
      • Commission européenne, 1997 Développement local et pactes territoriaux pour l’emploi - rapport du séminaire de Rome, OPOCE, CE V/7 97 007 FR
      • Commission européenne, 1999, Second rapport d’étape relatif aux pactes territoriaux pour l’emploi, Document de travail des services
      • Commission européenne, 1999 Pactes territoriaux pour l’emploi – 89 pactes locaux relèvent le défi du chômage, OPOCE, CX 2299175 FR C
      • Staniscia B., 2003, L’Europa dello sviluppo locale – I patti territoriali per l’occupazione in una prospettiva comparata - Donzelli, Roma

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3 – Local economy

    • 3.1 Firms’ generation, entrepreneurship and job creation
      • Arocena J. et al 1983 La création d’entreprise, un enjeu local Notes et Etudes documentaires, La documentation française
      • Berger R. (ed.) 1982 Investing in America, Initiatives for community and economic development
      • Birch David 1983 Job-creation in America, how our smallest companies put the most people to work Free Press, Macmillan
      • Brunetta R & Salghetti-Drioli A. 1988 L’impresa possibile, modelli e processi di job cereation in Italaia e nei paesi industrializzati. Isfol, Marsilio Editori
      • Carbognin M. 1999 Il campo di fragole, reti di imprese e reti di persone nelle imprese sociali italiane, Franco Angeli, Milano
      • CENSIS (Centro Studi Investimenti Sociali) 1984 Dal sommerso al post industriale, evoluzione delle piccole e medie imprese industriali Franco Angel
      • Drucker P. 1985, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, practices and principles. Heineman
      • EC 1981 The development of employment policies, SMEs and job creation in the E.C. Université Dauphine
      • Todd G. 1984, Creating new Jobs in Europe (UK, FR and NL), how local initiative works. The Economist Intelligence Service
      • Garzoni A. 2006 Imprenditorialità, risorse e sviluppo del territorio, Egea
      • Hickman Rolf 1988 The job creation Process, a synthesis of US Research and Avenues for a European Approach
      • Karsten D. 1985 Job creation schemes in the EC, report for the CEC. Bonn University,
      • Keeble D and Wever E. 1988 New firms and regional development in Europe Croom Helm, London
      • Lloyd Peter and Ramsden Peter 1999 Local enterprises in enterprising localities
      • CEC DG Regio Mc Robie G 1981 ‘Small is Possible’
      • Medeiros, C.L. (ed.), As artes e oficios tradicionais e as microempresas no desenvolvimento local, sociedade Astoria limitada, Lisboa 1997
      • A.A.V.V. 2005 Il lavoro sostenibile. Politiche del lavoro, territorio e sviluppo locale, Franco Angeli
      • OECD 1998 Fostering Entrepreneurship
      • OECD 2005 Entrepreneurship and Local economic development
      • Schumacher’s 1980 ‘Small is beautiful’
      • Thomas A. 2009 Il legame biunivoco tra imprenditorialità e sviluppo economico : origini, evoluzioni e scelte di policy, Guida
    • 3.2 From industrial districts to clusters
      • On industrial districts and » milieux innovateurs » :
        • Alburquerque Llorens, Francisco. Innovacion, Transferencia de conocimientos y desarollo economico territorial : una politica pendiente. Revista ARBOR, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Madrid, 2008.
        • Aydalot P. (ed.)1986 Milieux innovateurs en Europe
        • Azzariti F. and Candoni I. (eds.) 2007, Oltre il distretto. Interviste, modelli aziendali e teorie di un fenomeno italiano, Franco Angeli
        • Beccatini G., 1987 Mercato e forze locall : il distretto industriale, Il Mulino
        • Becattini G. 2000, Distretti industriali e sviluppo locale, Bollati Boringhieri
        • Brusco, Sebastiano and Righi, E., 1989, ‘Local government and industrial policy in Modena’, in Economy and Society
        • Brusco S. 2008, I distretti industriali : lezioni per lo sviluppo. Una lettera e nove saggi (1190-2002), Il Mulino
        • Camagni R. (ed.) 1991 Innovation Networks : spatial perspectives, Belhaven Press, London
        • Crouch et al 2001 Local Production systems in Europe, Oxford University Press
        • Crouch et al., 2004 Changing governance for Local Economies, responses of European Local Productive systems, Oxford University Press
        • Fortis M. and Quadrio Curzio A. 2007, Industria e distretti, il Mulino
        • Garofoli G e Mazzoni R. 1994 Sistemi produtivi locali : strutura e tarsformazioni. Franco Angeli, Milan,
        • Guelpa F. and Micelli S. 2007, I distretti industriali del terzo millennio. Dalle economie di agglomerazione alle strategie d’impresa, Il Mulino
        • Guiso L & Scivardi F, 2007 Spillovers in industrial Districts, Economic Journal,117, p ; 577
        • Maillat D. et Perrin J.C. (ed.) 1992 Entreprises innovatrices et développement territorial, EDES Neuchâtel
        • Maillat D., Quévit M.& Sen L. (ed.) 1993 Réseaux d’innovation : un pari pour le développement régional ,EDES, Neuchâtel
        • Pyke and W Sengenberger (eds.)1992 Industrial districts and Local economic Regeneration. IILS Geneva,
        • OECD 1990, Implementing change. Entrepreneurship and Local Initiative
        • OECD and DATAR 2001 and 2002 Systèmes productifs locaux, International Conference reports, Paris.
        • Sengenberger W. (ed.) 1990 The Emergence of Small Enterprises ; IILS
        • Vázquez Barquero, Antonio (1999) : Desarrollo, redes e innovación. Ediciones Pirámide, Madrid.
      • Anderson T. et al. 2004, The cluster policy whitebook, IKED, Malmö
      • Antolini F. – Boccella N. 2006 Sentieri di crescita e cluster di imprese, Liguori
      • Associazione Italiana della Produzione 2008, Reti d’impresa oltre i distretti. Nuove forme di organizzazione produttiva, di coordinamento e di assetto giuridico, Il Sole 24 Belleflame P. (et al) 2000 An Economic theory of regional cluster, Journal of Urban Economics, 48, p 161.C.
      • DATAR, Pôles de compétitivité ;
      • DTI (Department of Trade and Industry) 2003 A Practical Guide to Cluster Development
      • EC 2003 Final Report of the Expert group on Enterprise clusters and Networks, Brussels
      • Enright M.J. 1996 ‘Regional clusters and economic Development, a research agenda’, in U.H.Staber et al (eds.)
      • Business networks : prospects for Economic Development, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin,
      • Isaksen A and.Haug E, 2002, Regional Clusters in Europe. EC, SMEs Observatory
      • JouenM2008 ‘EndogenousLocalDevelopmentversusForeignDirectInvestmentStrategies:arethere alternative regional strategies in EU 27 ?’ in Where top-down, where bottom-up ?, in Silke Tönshoff and Andreas Weida Eds., Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang
      • Ketels 2000 The development of the Cluster concept, present experiences and further Developments
      • Martin R & Sunley P 2003 Deconstructing clusters : chaotic concept or policy panacea ? Journal of Economic Geography, vol.3 n.1
      • Porter M Nov-Dec1998 Clusters and the new economics of competition ; Harvard Business Review,
      • Porter M 1990 The comparative advantage of nations, basic books,
      • Porter M 2000 The cluster mapping project ; Harvard Institute for Competitiveness,
      • OECD 1996, Networks of enterprises and local development Leed Programme
      • OECD 2001 Innovative clusters, Leed Programme
      • Raines P. (ed.) 2003 Cluster Development and Policy, Ashgate, Aldershot,
      • Ricciardi A. 2003, Le reti di imprese - vantaggi competitivi e pianificazione strategica, Franco Angeli
      • Roelandt, T. and den Hertog, P., Ed. 1998 Cluster Analysis and Cluster Based OECD Countries : Various
      • Approaches, Early Results and Policy Implications. Draft synthesis report on Phase 1, OECD Focus Group on Industrial Clusters.
      • Solvell O. (et al) 2003 The Cluster initiative Green book, Göteborg, Competitiveness Institute TCI Vinniva
      • Timpano F. - Piva M.C. 2008 Cluster policies and local development, Vita e Pensiero

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4 - Area-Based economic development

    • 4.1 Rural development
      • Bryden J. and Hart K. (Eds.) 2004 A new approach in rural development in Europe Edwin Mellen Press
      • CEC - DG Agri 1989 The future of rural society
      • Dargan L. and Schucksmith M. 2003, Innovatory economic development – comparative report, in 2nd rural development conference in Salzburg 12-14 Nov 2003 ;
      • LEADER Observatory ( 2000 Territorial, economic, social, environmental and global competitiveness (6 vol), Innovation notebook n°6,
      • LEDA 1991 Orientations for Local Employment Development Strategies : Rural Areas, Local and Regional Development Planning, London, U.K.
      • Lowe, Philip Murdoch Jonathan and Ward Neil (1995) Networks in rural development : beyond exogenous and endogenous models pp 87-105 in Jan Dowe van der Ploeg and G van Dijk (eds) Beyond modernisation, Van Goerum Pub
      • Meloni B. 2006 Lo sviluppo rurale, CUECMantino F. 2008 Lo sviluppo rurale in Europa. Dall’impresa agricola allo sviluppo del territorio, Il Sole 24 ore
      • OECD 1992 Businesses and jobs in the rural world ; Leed Programme
      • OECD 1994 The contribution of amenities to rural development,
      • OECD 1995 Niches market and rural development,
      • OECD 2006 The new rural paradigm
      • O’Cinneide M. and Cuddy M 1992 Perspectives on rural development in advanced economies, Centre for Development ; Studies University College Galway
      • Sucksmith Mark et all (2010) Disintegrated rural development : neo-endogenous rural development, planning and place-shaping in diffused power contexts, Sociologia ruralis, 50, 1, 1-20
      • The Countryside Agency ; 2004 Local strategic partnerships in England
    • 4.2 – Urban areas
      • A.A.V.V. 2007 Sviluppo urbano e cooperazione internazionale, CLUEB
      • Antolini F. – Billi A. 2007 Politiche di sviluppo nelle aree urbane, UTET Università
      • Barreiro Cavestany, Fernando. Gobernar las ciudades en tiempos de cambio.. Revista Prisma 22, 2008. Uruguay.
      • Bennet Michael and Gilioth R ( 2007) Economic development in American cities The poursuit of an Equity Agenda, Albany, State University of New York Press
      • Borja, Jordi. La ciudad conquistada. Alianza Ensayo. Madrid, 2003.
      • Brangwyn B & Hopkins R. 2008 Transition Initiatives Primer ;
      • Chanan G Community involvement in Urban Regeneration, DGXI, 1997)
      • Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. 1998) Urban Development Corporations :
      • Performance and Good Practice. Regeneration Research Summary 17. ;
      • DG V Network of ‘quartiers en crise’.
      • EC 2000 URBAN success stories : Building a better tomorrow in deprived neighbourhoods
      • Economic & Social Research Council CITIES Competitiveness and Cohesion Programme
      • Esteve Pascual y María Josep, 2002 La gestión estratégica de la ciudad. Instrumento para dirigir el cambio urbano in : « La gestión estratégica de las ciudades. Un instrumento para gobernar las ciudades en la era de la info-global ». Junta de Andalucía. Nº 6, Págs. 83-102
      • European Commission, May 2007, Guide on the Urban dimension in Community policies (2007-2013)
      • Froessler D., Geoghegan P., Soto P. and Van Bemmelen M. 2007, Reinforce the local economy and employment in the distressed urban areas, good practices in Europe. Federal Ministry for transport, building and urban affairs
      • Hopkins R &.Lipman P, 2008, The Transition Network Ltd.
      • Longworth N. 2007, Learning Cities, Learning Regions, Learning Communities : Lifelong Learning and Local Government
      • Moulaert F. 2000, Globalisation and integrated area development in European cities, Oxford University Press
      • OECD 1998, Integrating urban distressed areas, Leed Programme Paris
      • OECD 2006, Competitive cities in the Global economy
      • Precedo Ledo, Andrés. Ciudad y desarrollo urbano. Editorial Síntesis. Madrid 1996
      • Ramsden Peter 2005 Evaluation : the Phoenix development fund DTI London U.K.
      • UK Department of the Environment 1997 The ‘CITIES : Competitiveness and Cohesion’ CITIES Web site.
      • URBACT I and II. Programme, see
      • Veltz P. 1996 Mondialisation, villes et territoires, Presses universitaires de France Paris

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  • 4.3 Local economic development
    • Alburquerque Francisco : « Desarrollo Económico Local en Europa y América Latina. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Madrid, España. 1999.
    • Bansolla M (eds) 2006 Local Development and Economic Policy A European platform
    • Bennington J. 1986 Local Economic Strategies in Local Economy, Vo1 N°1 London
    • Benko G. & Lipietz A., 2000, La richesse des régions. Pour une géographie socio-économique, Paris : PUF
    • Birkholzer,LocaleconomicDevelopmentanditspotential. TechNetBerlin
    • Coffey M. and Polese M.. 1985 Local Development : conceptual bases and policy implications, Regional Studies, n°2
    • Brunhes B.2000LagestiondescrisesindustrielleslocalesenEurope(studyforDGEmployment)
    • Canzanelli, Giancarlo. 2001 Overview and Lessons Learnt on Local Economic Development, Human Development, and Decent Work. ILO Universitas Working Paper
    • Casilli C., 2003 Lo sviluppo economico locale. Politiche di programmazione e strumenti di incentivazione, Manni
    • Clark Greg 2009 Recession, Recovery and Reinvestment : the role of local economic leadership in a global crisis, OECD LEED programme,
    • DG Regio. 1994 Valeur ajoutée et ingénierie du développement local, n 12 by CRIDEL, Brussels
    • Greffe, X 1992, Sociétés post-industrielles et redéveloppement, Collection Pluriel Hachette, Paris
    • IFP Lokale Okonomie (ed.) 2008 Beschaftigungs und Sturkturpolitik Le local en action. Rencontres Europe-Amérique du Nord. Ed de l’Epargne, 1989.
    • OECD 1993 Territorial development and structural change, Leed Programme
    • OECD 1999 Best Practices in Local Economic Development , Leed Programme ;
    • OECD Local Economies and Globalisation. LEED Notebook, No. 20.
    • Pizzinato, Antonio. 1997, Industrial Restructuring and Local Development - The Case of Sesto San Giovanni.
    • OECD LEED Notebook, No. 24. ;
    • Pike A., Rodriguez-Pose A. & Tomaney J., 2006, Local and regional development, London : Routledge.
    • Susio B., Ceschin F. and Montanari S. 2007,Territori strategici. Modelli di pianificazione per lo sviluppo dei sistemi locali, Franco Angeli
    • Watson D J and Morris J C (eds) 2008 Building the Local Economy. Case in economic development, Athens GA ; Carl Winson Institute of Government
    • Vasquez Barquero, 1997 Politica economica local, la respuesta de las cuidades a los desafios del ajuste productivo, Ediciones Piramide
    • Wong, Celia. 1998 Determining Factors for Local Economic Development : The Perception of Practitioners in the North West and Eastern Regions of the UK. Regional Studies. Vol.32.8. pp 707-720.

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5 - Local sustainability

      • A.A:V.V. 2009 Politiche di sviluppo locale. Progetti per la sostenibilità, Carocci
      • Agyeman J. and Evans B.. 1996 Local Environment, Centre for Environment Policies and Strategies, South Bank University, London,
      • Breton, Jean-Marie 2008 Gestion des ressources en eau et développement local durable : Caraïbe, Amérique latine, Océan Indien.
      • Cooper, Phillip J. 2004 Implementing sustainable development : from global policy to local action
      • Douthwaite, R. and Strohalm, A. (ed.), 1996 Balancing Europe for sustainability - Using financial micro-initiatives to build a better environment, Rooddruk, Utrecht
      • Essex, Stephen 2005 Rural change and sustainability : agriculture, the environment and communities
      • ICLEI 2001, Local authorities self assessment of Local Agenda 21
      • INSURED 1998 Instruments for Sustainable Regional Development ; final report UE- DGXII
      • Jørgensen, Anne-Mette 1997 Towards sustainable development for local authorities : approaches, experiences and sources
      • Lafferty W. M. and Narodoslawsky (eds.) 2003, Regional Sustainable Development in Europe. The challenge of Multi-Level Co-operative Governance, ProSus
      • McGinnis M. V. (ed.) 1999, Bioregionalism, Routledge
      • Local government management Board 1993 Agenda 21, A guide for Local authorities, Arndale Centre, Luton
      • Miljø- og Energiministeriet 1997 The highway to sustainability : conference for local and regional authorities, Copenhagen, 18th and19 of November1996 ;
      • Mollard, Amédée 2004 Proximity, territory and sustainable management at the local level : an introduction
      • Persson, Lars Olof 2003 Local responses to global changes : economic and social development in Northern Europe’s countryside
      • Robertson, J. 1999 Changer d’économie ou la nouvelle économie du développement durable, Editions Apogée – OPOCE, Bruxelles
      • Rouet G. 2007 Politiques du développement local durable : regards croisés franco-slovaques :
      • Rubino, R. 2006 Livestock farming systems : product quality based on local resources leading to improved sustainability
      • Saragosa C. 2005, L’insediamento Umano Donzelli Editore
      • Schleicher-Tappeser R (et al) 1997 Sustainable Regional Development : an integrated approach. INSURED
      • Transition towns network,
      • Vallega A. 1995, La regione, sistema territoriale sostenibile, Mursia
      • Welford R. 1995 Environmental Strategy and Sustainable Development, Routledge, Londo

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6 - Social economy, local services and social inclusion

    • 6.1 Social economy and new entrepreneurship
        • A.A.V.V. 2007 Social entrepreneurship. Imprese innovative per il cambiamento sociale, Egea
        • D’Angelo S. Musella M. 2006 Strategie per lo sviluppo dell’imprenditorialità sociale, Gesco
        • Bagnasco A et Trigilia C 1993 La construction sociale du marché : le défi de la troisième Italie, Paris,
      • On social enterprises :
        • Borzaga, C. and Santuari, A., 1998 Social enterprises and new employment in Europe, CGM - Commission Européenne
        • Borzaga C. and Defourny J 2001 The Emergence of social enterprises
        • Campbell, M., Borzaga, C., Olabe, A., Greffe, X., Lloyd, P., Granger, B. and Shearman Cl., 1999 The third system, employment and local development - ‘capitalisation’ project report, OPOCE – DG EMPL CIRIEC 2000 The Enterprises and organisations of the Third Sector. A Strategy Challenge for Employment, Liège
        • Commission européenne, 1999. Troisième système et emploi – répertoire des projets, OPOCE, CE V/1-99 010FR C
        • Delai N (ed.) 2005 Valutare il non profit ; B. Mondatori ed.
        • Gomez de la Iglesia Roberto Ed, Economia social, nuevos yacimientos de empleo y desarrollo local (Edita
        • Xabide, Vitoria-Gasteis, 2002
        • Impresa sociale (Italian Journal)
        • Nyssens M. (ed.) 2006, Social enterprises, Routledge.
        • Noya A (ed) The changing Boundaries of Social Enterprises Leed Programme, OECD
        • Noya A and Clarence E (eds) 2008The social Economy : Building Inclusive Economies ; Leed Programme, OECD
        • OECD 1999. The social enterprises
        • OECD 2003. The non profit sector in a changing economy, Leed Programme, Paris
        • OECD, The social economy Building inclusive Economies, Leed Programme, Paris
        • Pelligra V. (ed.) 2008, Imprese sociali. Scelte individuali e interessi comuni, Bruno
        • UK. Social Enterprise,
      • On « économie solidaire » :
        • Amin Ash 2009 Ed The social economy – international perspectives on economic solidarity, ZED books London
        • Council of Europe European Platform on ethical and solidarity- based initiatives a data basis of citizens initiatives in Europe (80 innovative experiences) ;
        • Hausner Jerry 2009 ‘Social economy and development in Poland’ in The social economy – international perspectives on economic solidarity Amin Ash Ed, ZED books London
        • Johanisova Nadia, Living in the cracks – a look at rural social enterprises in Britain and Czech Republic (FEASTA, Dublin, 2004)
        • Laville J.L. 2007 L’économie solidaire ; Une perspective européenne ; Hachette Pluriel, Paris
        • Theveniaut-Muller M 1999 Le développement local ; une réponse politique à la mondialisation, Desclée de Brouwer, Paris
    • 6.2 Local services and social inclusion
      • Alcock, P, G Craig, P Lawless, S Pearson and D Robinson 1998 Inclusive Regeneration : Local Authorities’ Corporate Strategies for Tackling Disadvantage. The Center for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University and The Policy Studies Research Center, University of Lincolnshire and
      • Humberside.
      • Campbell, Mike with Ian Sanderson and Fiona Walton. November 1998. Local Responses to Long Term Unemployment. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. YPS York. ;
      • Cauquil G, 2004, Construire et évaluer les politiques sociales territorialisées, Dunod, Paris
      • Cecchi S. 2007 Modernità e inclusione sociale, CEDAM
      • CESPE 2003, Il welfare locale. Centro Studi di Politica Economica in Argomenti unmani
      • Dublin Foundation 1993 Local community Action and social policy,
      • Dublin Foundation 2003 Social inclusion Local partnerships with civil society,, Notebook N°4
      • EU (MOC) Peer reviews on social inclusion (a few topics)
      • Ingrosso M. 2006 La promozione del benessere sociale. Progetti e politiche nelle comunità locali, Franco Angeli
      • Kovalainen A. and Simonen, L. 1998. ‘Neo-entrepreneurs of the social and health care sector in Finland’ in Local employment initiatives, Transfer ETUI Review, v. 4 n°3
      • Lloyd Peter with Richard Meegan, Bernadette O’Neil, Graham Haughton, Sophy Krajewska and Ivan Turok, 1996 Social and economic inclusion through regional development : the Community Economic Development priority in European Structural Funds programmes in Great Britain. DG REGIO
      • Maretti M. 2008, Welfare Locali, Franco Angeli
      • Martelli A. 2006 La regolazione locale delle politiche sociali, un percorso d’analisi ; FrancoAngeli,
      • Meir R 1993 Social Justice and Local Development Policy. Sage Publications, Newbury Park.
      • Mengin J 1989 Guide du développement local et du développement social Editions L’harmattan, Paris
      • Percy-Smith, J. and Sanderson, I., 1992. Understanding local needs, IPPR- Premier Printers
      • OECD 2006 From Immigration to integration ; Local solutions to a global challenge.
      • Vivaldi E. 2008, I servizi sociali e le Regioni, G. Giappichelli editore
      • Wistow, G., KNAPP, M., Hardy and Allen, C., 1994. Social care in a mixed economy, public policy and management, Open University Press, Philadelphia

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7 – Governance

      • Calame P. 2003 La démocratie en miettes – Pour une révolution de la gouvernance, Editions Descartes & Cie, Paris
      • CEC 2009 Committee of the regions : White Book on multilevel governance
      • Cresta A. 2008, Il ruolo della governance nei distretti industriali. Un’ipotesi di ricerca e classificazione, Franco Angeli
      • EU 2001 White Paper on Governance
      • IpL (Istituto per il Lavoro) 2003, Governo e governance : reti e modalità di cooperazione nel territorio regionale, Franco Angeli
      • Keating, M. and Hooghe, L., ‘By-passing the Nation State ? Regions in the EU Policy process’, European Union : power and policy-making, Richardson, J.J (ed.), Routledge, London 1996.
      • Kolher-Koch, Beate, « La renaissance de la dimension territoriale en Europe : entre illusion et réalité », EUI, Firenze, Working Paper RSC n° 1998/38.
      • OECD. 1996. Transition at the Local Level : The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and the Slovak Republic, Paris.
      • OECD 200 ? New forms of governance for Economic development
      • OECD 2005 Local governance and the drivers of growth,
      • Palumbo A. and Vaccaro S. (eds.) 2009, Governance e democrazia, Mimesis Edizioni
      • Sabel C. and O’Donnel R 2001 Democratic experimentalism in OECD, Devolution and globalisatio
    • 7.1 - Local authorities
      • Baccetti C. 2008, La nuova politica locale, UTET
      • Bennington The New local Government series (25 vol) Centre for Local Economic Strategies
      • Enriques. J M 1990 Municipios e desenvolvimentos, Ed Escher Lisboa
      • OECD 1985 The role of local government authorities in economic and employment development, International Union of Local Authorities and Association Capacity Building Program (IULAACB)
      • ISEAT 2002 Experience from IR, UK and BE Wallonia, Charleroi
      • OECD 1986 Employment creation policies : new roles for cities towns
      • OECD .1999 Managing decentralisation, A new role for labour market policies
      • OECD 2001 Cities for citizens, The role of metropolitan Governance
      • Vázquez Barquero, Antonio ; « Desarrollo Económico Local y Descentralización : Aproximación a un Marco Conceptual », Proyecto CEPAL/GTZ Desarrollo Económico Local y Descentralización, División de Desarrollo Económico Santiago de Chile, 4 de febrero de 2000
    • 7.2 Local partnership
      • Bennett, R.J. and G. Krebs 1991 Local Economic Development : Public-Private Partnership Initiative in Britain and Germany. Belhaven London
      • Campbell, M. and Hutchinson, J. 1998, Working in Partnership : Lessons from the Literature, Policy Research
      • Institute, Leeds Metropolitan University, Research Report 63, Department for Education and Employment (June), Sheffield, England.
      • Caspar, R., Farrell, G. Thirion, S., Organiser le partenariat local, Cahier n°2 Observatoire européen LEADER, Bruxelles 1997
      • González Meyer, Raúl. Poderes locales, nación y globalización. Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano. Chile. 2008
      • OECD 1993, Partnership ; the key to Job creation
      • OECD & Sabel Ch 1996, Ireland, Local Partnership for better governance
      • OECD 2001 Local partnership for better governance
      • Malcolm J. Moseley 2003 Local partnerships for rural development : the European experience
      • Tavistock Institute and ECOTEC Research and Consulting Ltd. The Thematic Evaluation of the Partnership
      • Principle 1999 - ;
    • 7.3 Citizen’s participation and participatory planning
      • Bobbio L. 2007 Amministrare con i cittadini. Viaggio tra le pratiche di partecipazione di Italia, Rubbettino
      • Chanan G 1999 Participation of local community A guide of good Practices.
      • Decoster D.P 2000 Local government, local development and Citizen Participation in the UK, Ireland and Wallonia. ULB 2002 (funded by DG Regio) CREADEL Project Resource and Tutoring centre for local development
      • Dublin Foundation 1997 Citizen Action and community Involvement,
      • Donzelot J. et Epstein R. 2006 ‘Démocratie et participation : l’exemple de la rénovation urbaine’ in Revue Esprit, n°7, Paris,
      • European Commission, Growth, competitiveness and employment – White paper, OPOCE, supplement 6/93 1993.
      • EU FP6 Priority 7, Citizens and governance in a knowledge-based society.
      • Gioioso G. (ed.) 2006, La pianificazione strategica partecipata in Italia, FORMEZ
      • Marinetto 2003 ‘Who wants to be an active citizen ? ‘ in Sociology vol 37, n.1
      • Mothé D. 2006 ‘La grande démocratie et la petite démocratie’ in Revue Esprit n°6
      • Venti D. 2009, Progettazione e pianificazione partecipata, INU
    • 7.4 Financial instruments and engineering
      • On financing
        • Andreoni A. and Pellagra V. 2009. Microfinanza. Dare credito alle relazioni. Bologna, Il Mulino
        • Bartik, T. 1995 Economic Development Incentive Wars. Employment Research
        • CRIDEL 1994 Valeur ajoutée et ingénierie du développement local,
        • CE, DG REGIO, Sevilla seminar report March 1993 ; and relevant final evaluation reports
        • Darche, Benjamin. 1997 Financing Mechanisms at the Subnational Level in Emerging Markets : Borrowings and
        • Privatisations/Concessions. Infrastructure Note FM9. Urban Development Unit, World Bank ;
        • DG Employment, LEDA Programme 1991 and1995 Practical Manual on Local Employment and Economic Development (published in 14 languages)
        • DG Employment, IDELE, 2002-2004.Practical Handbook on Developing Local Development Strategies
        • Dillinger, William. 1995 Urban Property Tax Reform : Guidelines and Recommendations. Urban Management
        • Program Discussion Paper No. 1. World Bank.
        • El Daher, Samir. 2001 The Building Blocks of a Sound Local Government Finance System. Infrastructure Note
        • FM8-e. Urban Development Unit. World Bank. ;
        • Fortis M. 2008, Banche territoriali, distretti e piccole e medie imprese. Un sistema italiano dinamico, Il Mulino
        • El Daher, Samir. 2000 Specialized Financial Intermediaries for Local Governments : A Market-based Tool for
        • Local Infrastructure Finance. Infrastructure Note FM8-d. Urban Development Unit. World Bank. ;
        • Worley International Ltd. 2000 Strategic Municipal Asset Management. Urban and Local Government Background
        • Series No. 5. Urban Development Unit. World Bank. ;
        • Granger, B. 1999. Banquiers du futur, les nouveaux instruments financiers d’économie sociale en Europe,
        • INAISE (International association of investors in the social economy), Editions Charles-Léopold Mayer, Paris
        • OECD 2003. Private finance and Economic development : City and Regional Investment
        • Lloyd Peter and Ramsden Peter 2000. Local Enterprising Localities : Area Based Employment Initiatives in the
        • United Kingdom (Regional Development Studies series published by CEC) chapter on innovative financial initiatives such as micro credit, social finance.
        • Pindado, Fernando. La participación ciudadana es la vida de las ciudades. Ediciones del Serbal. Barcelona 2008.
        • Ramsden P. 1999 Financial engineering in the Structural Funds, the new alchemy ?
        • Romeo G. 2008, La finanza dei distretti industriali. Inquadramento teorico e soluzioni operative, Franco Angeli
    • On practical handbooks
      • Basque Regional Government 1994 Manual de Desarrollo Local Estudios de Economia
      • DATAR (F) 1986 Guides du développement local, de l’action économique locale 1987, du développeur 1988, de la valorisation économique des ressources locales 1989, des stratégies locales de formation 1989.
      • DG Employment, 1995, LEDA Programme, Practical Manual, management training courses and Schools. (published in several languages)
      • DG Employment 2007, Practical Handbook on Developing Local Employment Strategies (Country reports)
      • Lorthiois, J. 1996 Le Diagnostic Local de Ressources : Aide à la Décision, ASDIC, Lusigny sur Ouche et Editions W, Macon.
      • Lyons, T. and Hamlin, R. 1990 Creating an Economic Development Action Plan : A Guide for Development Professionals.
      • Peraro Francesco. and Vecchiato G. (eds.) 2009, Responsabilità sociale del territorio. Manuale operativo di sviluppo sostenibile e best practices, FrancoAngeli.
      • Strati F 1996 Guida alle Iniziatie locali per l’occuazione. Come creare la propria attività e la propria impresa. SRS

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Liste des abréviations

    • DG AGRI : Direction générale de l’agriculture et du développement rural de la Commission européenne
    • DG EMPL : Direction générale de l’emploi, des affaires sociales et de l’égalité des chances de la Commission européenne
    • DG ENTR : Direction générale des entreprises et de l’industrie de la Commission européenne
    • DG ENV : Direction générale de l’environnement de la Commission européenne
    • DG MARE : Direction générale des affaires maritimes et de la pêche de la Commission européenne
    • DG RDT : Direction générale de la recherche de la Commission européenne
    • DG REGIO : Direction générale de la politique régionale de la Commission européenne
    • FEOGA : Fonds européen d’orientation et de garantie agricole
    • FEADER : Fonds européen agricole pour le développement rural
    • CE : Commission européenne
    • FEP : Fonds européen pour la pêche
    • EQUAL : Initiative de l’UE en faveur de l’emploi, de la formation, de l’égalité des chances et de l’inclusion sociale
    • FEDER : Fonds européen de développement régional
    • FSE : Fonds social européen
    • UE : Union européenne
    • FARNET : Initiative de l’UE en faveur des zones maritimes
    • PIB : Produit intérieur brut
    • ILE : Initiatives locales pour l’emploi
    • INTERREG : Programme de coopération interrégionale et transnationale de l’UE
    • ILDE : Initiative locale de développement et d’emploi
    • LEADER : Liaison entre actions de développement de l’économie rurale (initiative de l’UE en faveur du développement rural)
    • LEED : Programme de développement économique et de création d’emplois locaux de l’OCDE
    • ONG : Organisation non gouvernementale
    • NUTS : Nomenclature des unités territoriales statistiques (découpage harmonisé des unités territoriales en vue de la production de statistiques régionales pour l’UE)
    • OCDE : Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques
    • SG : Secrétariat général de la Commission européenne
    • PME : Petites et moyennes entreprises
    • PTE : Pacte territorial pour l’emploi
    • PNUD : Programme des Nations unies pour le développement
    • URBAN : Initiative de l’UE en faveur des zones urbaine

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